Ballast Water: Technology, Compliance & Enforcement
When the 2004 Ballast Water Management Convention was written, it envisioned that one of the options for treating a ship's ballast water would be shore-based reception facilities. These facilities were envisioned to deal with ships that infrequently ballasted, ships ballasting in challenging waters, and ships operating in voyages outside their normal operating areas among many other special cases of treatment. And while the implementation of the Convention over the past 20 years has clearly demonstrated the need for answers to these challenging situations, the previous attempts to commercialize ballast water reception have proven unsuccessful and ballast water reception is still not a viable option for complying with the Convention. This presentation will focus on the latest developments in ballast water reception, including case studies of successful implementations of the concept as well as provide the roadmap for how ballast water reception is finally ready to take it’s place at the table of viable options for ballast water treatment under the Convention.