22 May 2024

Small Ships SIG Annual General Meeting

Seawork in Southampton, Meeting Room 1

Please join the Small Ships SIG on Wednesday 12 June at 1200hrs, for our Annual General Meeting, taking place at Seawork in Southampton, Meeting Room 1.

If you are able, please do come along; it would be great to meet as many of you as possible and to hear of any issues and topics you would like to bring to the attention of the Small Ships SIG.

Seawork is a fantastic show and well worth a visit, and best of all it’s free entry for marine professionals. Some of you will no doubt find a talk on emerging battery technology particularly relevant to the small ships world, conveniently it's also on 12 June 1415-1530, Conference Room 1.

Kind Regards,

Tom Keeling

Small Ships SIG Chair

For questions, you can reach me at [email protected].