Subscribe to Marine Professional

Available both in print and online, Marine Professional is the official membership magazine of the IMarEST, received by over 20,000 readers.

Each issue looks at the trends emerging within the marine sector with a view to enhance the reader’s understanding of the complex technical intersections between the maritime, offshore and science agendas. The magazine also features the latest from the IMarEST Special Interest Groups, interviews with members and learnings from both history and accidents at sea.

Who reads Marine Professional?

All members of the IMarEST receive Marine Professional, in either print or digital format depending on their membership category. Subscriptions are also available to institutions, organsiations and companies.

Membership of the IMarEST is open to all, whether you are a student, just starting out in your career, an experienced professional or just someone who is interested in marine engineering, science or technology or our work.

Membership provides you with a range of benefits and services tailored to each grade, and designed to support your professional development, raise your profile, provide you with access to relevant information and tools, and connect you with other members around the world.


Associate Members, Members & Fellows (Included)

All receive printed issues of the magazine as well as digital access.


Affiliate & Student members (£49.99 per annum)

Upgrade to receive printed issues of the magazine, in addition to digital access.


Libraries & Organisations (£499 per annum)

Digital access to the current issue for all users on your own network(s), plus a print subscription.


Marine Membership

Marine Membership includes printed issues of the magazine and digital access through Affiliate membership for five staff, alongside an extensive range of other benefits.