Professor Christian Harrison
Professor of Leadership and Enterprise, University of Bolton

Nicholas Smith
Executive: Global Systems Product and Technology Leader, GE Power Conversion

Professor of Leadership and Enterprise, University of Bolton
Executive: Global Systems Product and Technology Leader, GE Power Conversion
Electrical Capability Leader, BMT, BMT
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BMT approach to supporting young professionals Wednesday @ 9:30 AM
The Power of Chartership: Why it matters for you and your employer Wednesday @ 10:00 AM
Professor of Leadership and Enterprise, University of Bolton
Christian Harrison is a Professor of Leadership and Enterprise in the University of Bolton. Prior, to joining University of Bolton, he was a Reader in Leadership and the Chair of the Staff Forum for Research of the University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom. He graduated with a First-class degree in Pharmacy and practised as a pharmacist, assuming managerial positions before moving into the field of Management. Prof Christian Harrison has an MBA and was the valedictorian of the University of Aberdeen Business school MBA class with a Distinction. In addition, he also possesses a PhD in Leadership and other postgraduate research and teaching qualifications in his repertoire.What Makes an Effective Leader? Insights into Transformational Leadership Wednesday @ 4:15 PM
Consultant, Egon Zehnder International
An Australian with international experience, currently a Consultant at Egon Zehnder bringing expertise across diverse industries. Spent several years at Shell in roles spanning shipping, upstream, and downstream operations, where I developed environmental management and decarbonization strategies for Shell’s maritime fleet, enhanced emergency response frameworks, championed HSE initiatives, and led strategic projects. Previously contributed to land administration services for the Government of Western Australia.The Power of Chartership: Why it matters for you and your employer Wednesday @ 10:00 AM
Chair, Marine Mammal Observer Association
Ashleigh is a passionate marine biologist and environmental advocate. She is educated formally with a BSc. (Hons) Biology and MRes Marine Mammal Genetics from the University of Chester, UK. She conducted research utilising stranding data to compile population genetics of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) across the UK. She has been fortunate enough to work in the energy, NGO and tourism sectors, working offshore in various roles. Ashleigh is passionate about onboarding environmental advocates and has developed and delivered webinars, conferences and, training courses at all levels. She now works as a consultant and her main areas of expertise are marine mammal ecology, policy and legislation, impact assessments and acoustics. Ashleigh is a commercially-minded research-driven individual and would like to bring her experience to the Marine Mammal Observer Association (MMOA) executive committee to create a network of empowered Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs) and professionals internationally.
Introduction from the chair Wednesday @ 9:15 AM
The Power of Chartership: Why it matters for you and your employer Wednesday @ 10:00 AM
Chief Design Engineer - Novel Nuclear, Rolls-Royce
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Micro-Nuclear Wednesday @ 12:00 PM
Executive: Global Systems Product and Technology Leader, GE Power Conversion
Responsible for proposing, developing, and executing Advanced System and Product Solutions, as well as managing system NPIs to support system offerings.
Nick has more than 30 years’ technical leadership experience with the Marine & Power Conversion Business, including more than 25 years in commercial, offshore and Military Marine solutions.
Responsible for the Design, build and setting to work of Many Naval Power and Propulsion Systems including Type 23 Frigates, Type 45 Destroyers, Albion Class LPDs, Zumwalt Class Destroyers, the Electric Ship Technology Demonstrator, and the Queen Elizabeth Class Power System, as well as numerous commercial marine platforms.
Has also spent significant periods of time in Mining Systems, and in Power Electronics and system engineering for onshore and offshore wind applications around the world.
He has significant experience of customer technical solution development, project execution, site work, commissioning and after sales support, both onshore and offshore, in Africa, Asia, US and Europe. Nick has also held significant technical leadership roles in volume power electronics manufacturing and global software production.
Nick has an Honours degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, sits on the Lloyds Register Technical Committee for Naval and Offshore, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering & Technology
The Power of Chartership: Why it matters for you and your employer Wednesday @ 10:00 AM
The Fusion of Electrical Machines and Marine Power Systems using Mesh Networks and “Halo” Machines Wednesday @ 12:30 PM
Associate Professor, UCL Energy Institute
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Navigating Disruption: Shipping's Energy Transition and the skills implication Wednesday @ 1:45 PM