Location: Room 004. IMC Building, Warwick University, Coventry, CV4 7AL

Speaker: Paul Burrows - MIMarEST, Treasurer, IMarEST Midland's branch

Description of lecture:

So what lead me to take this journey, firstly thinking about our homes and loved ones. Now imagine them gone in a matter of hours. This is the reality for millions of people across the world right now, who face the devastating impacts of the climate crisis. Secondly my experiences as an engineer and my small part in causing the problems.

So I put my mind to what I can do in moving to a more sustainable home and lifestyle.

Hopefully by adopting these new technologies etc. it can reassure others to follow a similar path and make their own journey to a more sustainable lifestyle for future generation.

If you’re considering attending the in-person Lecture, please contact the Midlands Branch by email giving your name & any one accompanying you.
This is essential as spaces are limited and in order to assess viability and make arrangements.

Click 'Book now' to register for the webinar.