Dr Kaushik Roy FIMarEST
Deputy General Manager, Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd
I am an expert in LNG safety, operations, ship management, and JV start-up with 29+ years of shipping experience. I currently manage LNG vessels from the world’s top owners/ conglomerates. I wish to see myself in a higher, challenging, and commanding position in sustainable businesses to maintain reputation, growth, and profitability.
My key strengths include - respect for people, commercial acumen, & team play. I respect people and let people talk & listen carefully with patience. Finally, I get jobs done professionally & timely.
My skills help organizations mainly in crisis & problematic situations. I have a wide professional network, a proven record of safety & operational excellence, and conflict management. I can fit well in a multinational, multi-skilled environment. I have a solid track record of performance through annual appraisal reports, supported by positive feedback & peer reviews.
My main philosophy is to work ethically and sustainably to improve maritime profession standards. Also, I continue to return something to the industry & society. My ethos is established through my intentions, speeches, & works; and supported by gaining & maintaining four ‘Fellowships’ & two ‘Chartered’ status – Chartered Master Mariner & Chartered Marine Technologist.
My few achievements are – VP of the Nautical Institute, Board Member of IMarEST, fetching the world’s first ‘Green Award’ to LNG Operator (MOL) & LNG vessel (Dukhan), becoming 1st Chartered Master Mariner in SE, Far East Asia & China. 1st Overseas Rep of RA of HCMM. PRI Assessors for CMarTech & CMMar. I was involved in the commissioning of 4 LNG terminals – HYLNG (China), SINOPEC Tianjin (China), Dhabol (India), & Adriatic LNG (Italy). I took key roles in the first commercial ship-to-ship (STS) operations in – Tomakomai (Japan), Nusantara Regas (Indonesia), & Escobar (Argentina). I received the ‘Insight Award’ (2011) as a Consultant for the safety video – ‘Gas Fire Hazard Management’ by SIGTTO & OTG. I led the rescue operation by ‘LNG Pioneer’ in 2009, which rescued 29 survivors. I am the ‘Committee Member’ of 3 Classification Societies – Bureau Veritas, American Bureau of Shipping, & Lloyds Register.
My key specialties/ expertise include – LNG safety & operations, Loss Prevention, Insurance & claims handling, JV company start-up, tendering, pre-qualification & bidding, new building, change management, cost control & analysis, audits, inspections, & pre-vetting, quality assurance & business development, negotiation, contract & negotiation, effective communication, IT skills, consultancy.