Location: The Dragonfly Hotel, Symonds Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7DZ
The AGM will be held at 12:00 at the Dragofly hotel, followed by a sandwich lunch and a presentation on BALTIC ICE given by EEB committee member John Gunning on his experiences as an Engineering Officer in the frozen Baltic.
About the Speaker:
John served a traditional engineering apprenticeship ashore and went to sea as a Junior Engineer where he worked his way up to Second Engineer on bulk carriers and then Chief Engineer on offshore supply ships. John completed his 1 st class motor Certificate of Competency with United Baltic Corporation and it was during this time that the photographs used in the presentation were taken. John credits the wonderful lecturers at Poplar Technical College for putting up with him and inspiring him to progress at sea.
Following a move ashore and a subsequent redundancy John returned to sea and finished his sea going career as chief engineer on SAND HERON dredging for sand gravel off the UK coast.