Location: M.V. Cill Airne, Quay 16 N Wall Quay, North Wall, Dublin 1, D01 XE03

Speaker: Andrew Clarke, Senior Technology Specialist, Maritime & Coastguard Agency (UK)

About the event:

As the shipping industry transitions away from reliance on fossil fuels. New regulation is required to meet the safety challenges that alternative fuels demand. Join us on the 27th of February Andrew Clarke takes the stand to give insight to the considerations behind the legislation, and a unique overview on how it looks for each fuel option.  Andrew's talk will cover state of progress with alternative fuels legislation at the IMO and the pro's and cons of alternative fuel options.

Prior to the talk we will hold our annual AGM, starting at 1900.  Refreshments will be provided.

Andrew Clarke

Andrew Clarke

Senior Technology Specialist, Maritime & Coastguard Agency (UK)

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