Location: IMarEST Headquarters, 1 Birdcage Walk, London, SW1H 9JJ OR Join us online
Speaker: Sen Abhayasinghe, Regional Director DP and Critical Systems, ABL
About the presentation:
The greenhouse gases (GHGs) are causing the temperature on earth to rise. To meet emissions reduction targets, there is a need to move towards ‘net-zero’ emissions. Windfarm industry has taken a step to reduce emission by introducing battery operated and battery-electric hybrid vessel for the service operation vessels (SOV). Battery operated and electric hybrid vessel with large battery installation require regular re-charging of batteries to reduce or eliminate operating emission from these vessels. Source of electric power for charging can be taken directly from wind turbines, offshore substations or through charging buoys using AC or DC transmission systems. Several original equipment manufacturers (OEM) are developing charging system using methods “hang-off” and “charging buoy” systems. Summary of these systems will be discussed in the presentation. This presentation includes various configuration modes of the interface between the source of charging and vessel energy storage battery systems. In addition, methods of connecting the source and vessel power systems, importance and methods of holding the position of vessel during charging process, risks associated with vessel positioning and electrical power systems will be considered. Another area focused on this presentation is the communication and protection systems, operational procedures and training requirements for service personnel.