Delft University of Technology – ME Faculty – lecture room D, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft
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Speaker: Roy de Winter, Data Scientist, Delft University of Technology
About the event:
In the preliminary ship design process or when a vessel undergoes modifications to comply with CII regulations, there is significant decision freedom to reduce the energy consumption. However, identifying optimal solutions is challenging due to the complexity of ship design optimization problems, which involve numerous decision parameters, (non-linear) constraints, and multiple conflicting objectives. Adding to this complexity, the software used to estimate the hydrodynamic performance and ship safety is often computationally demanding.
This lecture will introduce various different data-driven and algorithmic optimization approaches to enhance conceptual ship design and guide optimal decision-making in refits. Through real-world examples, we will demonstrate how these techniques have successfully reduced the power requirements of several vessels. Finally, we will explore the potential of geneative AI in designing zero-emission optimal ships.
Roy de Winter

Roy de Winter

Data Scientist, Delft University of Technology

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