Location: Sheraton Manila Hotel, NCR 4th District, 80 Andrews Avenue, 1309 Pasay City, Manila, Philippines
Scope: Fostering Safer, Smarter & Greener Shipping
- Safety, Smart & Environmental Regulatory Developments (IMO, EU, US)
- Human Factors, STCW, ILO MLC, SIRE 2.0
- Soft Skills, Training & Development
- Loss Prevention, Risk & Security management
- Crew Wellness & Resilience
- Crew alarming trends (Crew Abandonment, Bullying & Harassment, Suicides onboard etc)
- ESG in Shipping
- Experience Transfer & Best Practices beyond compliance
Target Audience: Ship Operators, Technical, Marine Department & Shipping related audience
The 4th SAFETY4SEA Manila Forum is scheduled as a full day event (09:00 – 17:00) on Tuesday 1st of April 2025 at the Sheraton Manila Hotel, Philippines.
This is a NON PROFIT event expected to attract a target group of approx. 350 persons / 150 organizations attendance from Safety, Technical, Marine departments of shipping operators and other related industry stakeholders. Attendance will be FREE of charge to delegates, a common feature of ALL SAFETY4SEA forums with sponsors covering all the expenses of the event.