SMI Donald Maxwell

Sponsored by the Society of Maritime Industries, this award recognises student dissertations in subjects related to marine engineering and technology.

The Society of Maritime Industries (SMI) offers a competitive award to support students studying for qualifications in subjects related to marine engineering and technology.

This award has a particular but not exclusive focus on students who have undertaken a dissertation that addresses a need in the industry with a prospect of commercial application.

The Donald Maxwell Trust, which is administered by IMarEST on behalf of SMI, provides a single payment of £1,000 to a successful student, as well as an invitation at the Trust’s expense to the SMI AGM luncheon where a certificate and cheque will be presented to the winner.


Who is eligible?

While this award recognises students, nominations should be made by faculty members at UK universities and colleges with appropriate courses (i.e those which have a significant amount of content related to marine engineering and/or marine technology).

Dissertations must come from third year students that have UK residency. Preference is given in particular for students who have undertaken a dissertation that addresses a need in the industry with a prospect of commercial application.

Where possible, nominated students should be existing Student members of the IMarEST. If they are not, the IMarEST will require them to become members before progressing the nomination (Student membership is free of charge).

For further details, please refer to the SMI's criteria sheet.


How to apply

Dissertations must be submitted as a PDF and accompanied by a covering letter with a supporting statement from the dissertation supervisor, describing how the dissertation fulfils the criteria.

Submissions should include the student's full name, email address and confirmation of UK residency.

Submission of the full dissertation will be the responsibility of the university. Applications should be sent to [email protected] and clearly state that the submission is an application for the SMI Donald Maxwell Award.

Entries for the award open on 1 May 2025 and close on 31 July 2025.