Application for Financial Assistance


If you prefer to print and submit an application form by post, you can download it here.

Download form

Who is eligible to apply for financial assistance?

  • Past and present members of the IMarEST and past and present members of the Guild of Benevolence
  • Marine engineers who possess or have possessed STCW Convention equivalent Management (M) or Operational (O) level Certificates of Competency issued by an IMO White List-recognised national maritime authority
  • Any individual professionally engaged, now or in the past, in the marine sector as an engineer, scientist or technologist at a level eligible for IMarEST membership as a Fellow, Member or Associate
  • The wives, husbands, widows, widowers, partners, children and/or dependants of any of the persons referred to above

Before you begin

Please allow about 15-20 minutes to complete this form.

If you have any difficulties with any of the questions shown on the form, please call the Guild of Benevolence on 020 7382 2644 or contact [email protected].

If you already recieve assistance and need to complete an assessment for continued financial support, please complete this form.

Applicant details
Applicant's next of kin
Dependants of applicant
Details of person on whom eligibility is based
Other relevant information
Drag / Paste a file here
Or, if you prefer...

Please provide the WEEKLY income for each and any of the following sources, including any from a spouse or partner.

Only enter numbers in numeric form, e.g. '50.00' or '150.75'.



For each and any of the below, please enter the purchase dates, frequency, and total amount of debt incurred.


Your expenditure

Detail both the weekly expenditure and any costs in arrears.

For example, if you spend £700 a month on your mortgage but have £400 in arrears, write it as '£175 (weekly), £400 (arrears)'.


Savings and capital

Only enter numbers in numeric form, e.g. '50.00' or '150.75'.


Personal summary